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Steph's Bookshelf

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Cast In Courtlight
Michelle Sagara
Progress: 6 %
Cold Shoulder
Lynda La Plante
Progress: 18/415 pages

The Voice: An Ephemera Novella (A Penguin Special from Roc)

The Voice - Anne Bishop This is an e-special novella that’s a prequel to Bridge of Dreams, I got it for $2.99 on my Kobo and I was very happy with the price. I have to say, that after reading this novella I want to read Bridge of Dreams even more, especially since there was an excerpt from the that book at the end of the novella. As per usual the story was well done, I love Anne Bishop’s writing, she’s so talented; I will always read her books, and I’m always willing to dive back into the world of Ephemera or The Black Jewels.