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Steph's Bookshelf

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Cast In Courtlight
Michelle Sagara
Progress: 6 %
Cold Shoulder
Lynda La Plante
Progress: 18/415 pages

Fever Moon

Fever Moon: The Fear Dorcha - Karen Marie Moning, Al Rio, David Lawrence, Cliff Richards I'm so happy I finally got my hands on this and it didn't take me long to read at all! It was really great seeing the Fever world brought to life like this, and I was especially intrigued when I found out that Al Rio was involved in the project, I really love his work on Zenescope's Grimm Fairy Tales series, may he rest in peace. This was a great addition to the Fever series, I'm still in withdrawal since I haven't picked up Iced yet because I'm waiting for the paperback (I have to wait until August?? Ugh); and I couldn't very well keep re-reading the Fever series over and over again, now could I? (Well, I could, but then I wouldn't get any other reading done)If you haven't read the Fever series yet, I suggest you do, not just because it's amazing and anyone who loves either paranormal or urban fantasy books would love it, but because if you haven't read up to at least Dreamfever, some things are going to be spoiled for you.